Vania Gransinigh, Nicola Pezzetta. Digital Art, Udine, Campanotto, 2008.

  • A Story of Interrupted Relationships or Avatar and Ariadne's Thread
  • Pictures/Immagini
  • Storie di rapporti interrotti ovvero Avatar e il filo di Arianna

"Can we stay away from what is deeply anchored to present time? Can we avoid the contact with tools that inevitably pace the rhythm of our everyday life? Can we neglect that virtual elements play a remarkable role in our everyday environment? A negative answer seems to be obvious. But at the same time we should not forget that different degrees in knowledge and command can be achieved as for multimedia…

Images show estranged and alienated landscapes, representing overseas locations visited during business trips; or human bodies, mainly female, turned into objects or symbols deprived of their identity; faces changed beyond recognition because of the failure of long-term memory processes. Graphic elements may assume the leading role. In other cases, words dominate. Somewhere else the supremacy of form is evident. Apart from the results of experimental art processes, we have to consider that mentioned aspects can be ascribed to the artist’s purpose: Nicola Pezzetta is somehow hard and stern, basically locked up inside his extreme intellectuality as in an ivory tower. This peculiar aspect has often led him to interpret persistently and obstinately his environment applying a strictly personal and peculiar frame of thought, with commendable resolution, achieving considerable and significant results.
Apart form standard aspects deriving from the adoption of a specific communication tool, images tend to show a certain degree of univocity, although each one aims at singularity for its peculiar communication purpose which, in the end, is the object of the artist’s research."

Vania Gransinigh, Nicola Pezzetta. Digital Art, Udine, Campanotto, 2008.

Digital Artworks by Nicola Pezzetta





Proviamo ad immaginare, per un solo istante, lo scenario [im]possibile e virtuale (ma non virtuoso) evocato da un ambiente in cui si innesta il software operativo di una realtà informatica.
Immaginiamo empaticamente il disagio del cittadino medio convocato, per dovere d ’ufficio, alle soglie di un mondo che gli è pressoché sconosciuto o di cui, al massimo ha sentito parlare e con il quale possiede una familiarità assolutamente superficiale.

Let ’s imagine, just for a moment, a virtual (not virtuous) [im]possible scenario evoked by an informatics environment in which software systems are implemented.
Let ’s feel, empathically, the uneasiness of the average man on the street when summoned to fulfil his duties in a setting he is not familiar with, that is quite obscure: a setting he has just heard a little about.

Vania Gransinigh, Nicola Pezzetta. Digital Art, Udine, Campanotto Editore, 2008.